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How experiential learning works: the perfect combination of digital tools and experiencing nature

The summer holidays are already starting in some federal states and the weather is also slowly getting ready for summer. High time for your Bound in nature, right? In an increasingly digital world, it's not easy to find ways to utilise the benefits of technology without losing touch with nature. Actionbound can help you and show you how to create exciting experiences for adults and/or children.

The advantages of learning in nature

Learning in nature has many benefits: It promotes physical activity, increases well-being and strengthens understanding and appreciation of the environment. These benefits can be further enhanced by combining digital learning with nature experiences. Gamification increases the motivation to learn in nature. Can tree leaves be correctly categorised? What does a birch tree look like? Can you spot one and take a photo of it? Your players can collect points for correctly answering questions. At the end of the Bound, you can see who has collected the most points. Who ends up in 1st place?

Scientific experiments & creative tasks

Integrate simple scientific experiments into your Bounds that can be carried out on site. This makes learning hands-on and practical. Or encourage creativity through tasks that encourage participants to look at and interpret their surroundings in new ways. Have the participants take and analyse soil samples or carry out simple weather observations. With the "creative task" element, the things collected can be photographed and recorded for the future.

Learning stations in nature (GPS and code scanning)

You can organise exciting nature explorations with Actionbound. Children and adults can navigate through the forest, parks or nature reserves while solving tasks that develop their observation skills and knowledge of nature. One task could be to identify different tree species by their leaves or to find certain bird species and record their calls.

With the help of GPS coordinates, your players won't get lost either. It's best to create several sections where your players can check their location. Maybe you can also work together with the city or town nearby and hide permanently installed QR codes. You can also check the locations by scanning the QR codes. Here is a small example: In a botanical garden, stations could provide information about different plant families and their characteristics, with tasks to identify and describe the plants.

Curious now? Why not give it a try and create your next Bound in nature right now?

Keep moving: Bike tours with Actionbound

Exercise, fresh air and a touch of adventure - bike tours are a great way to explore nature while staying active. With Actionbound, you can add a new dimension to these activities by creating interactive and fun tours. In this blog post, you will find out how to create cycle tours with Actionbound and which important aspects you should consider.

Step 1: Develop the main idea

Before you start with the technical implementation, think about what should make your cycle tour special. Would you like to introduce historical sights, challenge the participants to a puzzle or perhaps stage an entertaining scavenger hunt? The main idea determines the character of your tour and makes it unique. It is also important to consider who the tour is intended for. Is there a specific target group? Here is a small example of a basic idea: Get to know the nature in your neighbourhood. Plant tour by bike!

Step 2: Route planning

Careful route planning is crucial. Make sure that the cycle tour is safe and enjoyable and mark the individual stops at prominent points. Also consider how much time the participants will need for each stop and whether there are enough opportunities to rest in between. Be sure to cycle the tour once beforehand and take a watch with you. Are the cycle paths safe, where is a good place to take a break and which things are easy to spot from the bike? To stay with the plant tour: Is there perhaps a particular tree that plays an important role in your tour? Or does a little fictitious raven guide you from station to station?

Step 3: Create Bound and add interactive elements

Actionbound is a user-friendly platform that allows you to create interactive tours. Register on the website and start creating a new tour. For each stop, you can add questions, tasks or quizzes to encourage interaction. But be careful: If you are creating a tour for your family and friends, you don't need to do anything else, but if you want to develop a tour for teaching purposes or as a tourist offer, you will need a corresponding licence. Simply contact our sales team. Just send an email to Make your cycle tour interactive with Actionbound. Add photos, videos or audio recordings to tell the story of the stations. Games, puzzles and quizzes add fun and variety to the tour. Don't forget to also include rewards or points for certain actions to awaken the ambition of the participants. Let's stick to the nature route again: how about our raven from the Bound getting to know different animals, trees and bushes at each station, for example. He makes new friends at each station. For instance, an earthworm that lives under a deciduous tree or a blackbird that likes to peck the sunflower seeds. If questions are answered correctly, the raven collects friends and food.

Step 4: Consider technical aspects

Make sure that the participants have access to the internet during the tour so that they can use the Actionbound app, or ask them to download the Bound once beforehand. This way, the Bound can also be played offline. Test the tour in advance to make sure that everything works smoothly. Inform the participants about technical requirements before the start and give clear instructions on how to use the app. And important: Please do not hold the smartphone in your hand while cycling. This could be dangerous. Explain the routes clearly beforehand and possibly put up signs to show the way.

Step 5: Do not neglect safety

The safety of the players comes first. Point out that they should follow the traffic rules and be aware that the environment may not be barrier-free. Encourage them to wear protective equipment such as helmets, especially if the tour takes them along busy roads.

With Actionbound, bike tours can become exciting adventures. The combination of movement and interactive elements creates a unique experience for participants of all ages. Careful planning, creative ideas and consideration of important aspects will turn your Actionbound bike tour into an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. Use the diversity of the platform to explore nature in a new, fun way and keep moving.

Are you planning an Actionbound bike tour this year? If so, please feel free to link us on our social media channels. We are always happy to receive links!

New feature: random order of Stages

Our IT has conjured up something new again: You can now have your Bound sections played randomly.

You can easily select this in your Bound settings. You can find them in your dashboard on the left side at the third position (wrench) directly above the button with your results of your Bound. Just click on it and then you can set the Stages order to Random on the right side.

Don't forget to update your Bound version after the change. You can do this in your Bound profile under "Publish".

If you want all your players to have an intro and outro, you can also set this. This is useful if you want to explain the rules of the game or welcome your players in the intro. The same is true for the outro. Here you can say goodbye to your players, say a few final words and for example refer to further bounds of yours. How to handle the intro and the outro separately you can find here: Just set a checkmark at Intro and/or Outro and the first and the last Stage will be played in any case.

The Stages in between can be played randomly in game mode. Your players won't know what will happen next. Surprise guaranteed.

The random sequence of Stages is useful for smaller quiz sections, for example, or if movement tasks have to be solved per section. In a group it is especially fun to work with the random Stages order, because you can be surprised together which tasks have to be solved.

Try the following: Additionally limit the playing time and set the task of completing as many sections as possible in 15 minutes. Let's see who can do the most!

Small tip: If you create a rally with GPS coordinates, you should make sure that the paths work for all Stages combinations.

Small disclaimer: If your Bound is downloaded and saved, then the order will not change the second time you play. If you want to reshuffle your Stages, it's best to download your Bound again. Then the Stages will be reshuffled.

Have fun trying it out!

App update 2.16: "Playing time ends Bound" and extension of "Multilingual Bounds".

There are new features to try out again! Change the Bound language while playing directly in the app, have your texts translated in the Bound Creator or end a Bound after the playing time has expired.

Since last year, it has been possible to offer a Bound in multiple languages with the premium feature "Multilingual Bounds". Now we have added even more functions to the feature.

In the app, players could previously only choose one of the translations stored in the Bound settings when starting the Bound. Now changing is also possible while playing the Bound!

This is how it works: Use the menu in the app to select a language from the translations stored for a bound. And you can continue playing in Spanish, for example.

Tip: As a creator you not only have the possibility to use known languages, it is also possible to create a fantasy language or to store your texts in different language levels or Special English.

Also new: Thanks to our DeepL extension you can add translations of your texts with one click.

This is how it works: Add a translation to your Bound in the settings. Click on the translate icon in the upper right corner of the translation tool and be patient for a moment

The translated texts will be inserted directly into the individual fields (or elements). You will also find your media and formatting, such as paragraphs and Markdown commands, in the translation.

Note: Make sure that the media you use, such as images or videos, are understandable to players of any language. Both the license information and any images or language in videos should be provided to your players in the language of their choice. If you want to include a medium in another language, it is best to include it in the Bound Creator so that you can first cut it out of the primary language in the translation tool and then paste it into the translation at the desired location.

You made minor adjustments in the primary language? THose concerned elements are marked with an exclamation mark (!). Adjust the translation, by clicking on the translation icon to the right of those concerned elements.

Data protection notice: The data sent to DeepL is processed on German servers and deleted directly after translation at the provider.

You can find the currently available languages of DeepL here.

Timing is everything - Limit the playing time of your Bounds

We recommend that you give your players an indication of how long a round of your bound will take. In the Bound settings under playing time you enter the corresponding time (in minutes).

Now select one of the two modes. Playing time as a recommendation gives your players orientation without further consequences, as before. Playing time ends Bound, on the other hand, imposes a time limit on the entire Bound. After the time limit has expired, players can still complete the current element, after which the Bound is ended and the ranking is displayed.

This way you can give your players an extra motivation boost or increase the fun of the game with a little bit of pressure. You decide!

Note: The playing time is a licensed feature. Check out our new feature overview here.

It is still possible to add a time limit to quiz elements.

If you are interested in the features, please contact our sales team at

New ways of teaching & learning: Actionbound at the university

The university in all its shapes and colors is quite complex and multifaceted. For first-year students in particular, both the building itself and the whole surrounding area can seem very overwhelming and intimidating. This is exactly where Actionbound comes in: Just in time for the start of the semester, there are tips and tricks on everyday university life and how to use Actionbound.

The interactive campus tour

Where is the cafeteria? Where can I borrow books? Where can I find the Unicafé and where is the Audimax? You can tell that the semester is starting again by the small groups of first-year students walking across campus and being guided from one station to the next. But not all students have time on the scheduled day or take longer to find certain places on the sprawling campus. Many universities are already using Actionbound to make the start of the semester more interactive and time independent.

Fun and games can be used to interactively explore the campus. Unlike a guided tour, the locations are discovered by the students themselves. Actionbound tours can of course also be created for groups. This is ideal for student councils, for example, or for rallies on campus.

Here are a few selected examples of campus tours with Actionbound:

  • Click through the Campus Tour of the South Australian Institute of Business & Technology (SAIBT). Campus Tour SAIBT

  • The Technical University of Munich offers a tour of the campus in Garching. There is a lot to discover in this area. Campus Tour TUM

  • The Geisenheim University of Applied Sciences in Hesse also developed a tour for English-speaking students. Click here to check it out.

Scientific papers, seminars and co.

You are preparing a seminar paper or your thesis and you are still missing the whole part with the surveys? No problem. Actionbound can help here, too. You can easily insert your surveys into our software and your testers can start the bound via QR code. You can view the results on your account and easily integrate them into your work.

Bounds can also be used for presentations or group work. You want to introduce to a new theme or convey content in a playful way, then just try to build a Bound. It's super easy and fun on top of that. Bounds can also be designed explicitly for groups and do not necessarily have to be location-dependent. You can also create location-independent bounds. Just give it a try!

Some scientific articles on the Actionbound learning method have already been published. A list of the articles can be found here.

Create your everyday life with Actionbound

Studying does not always mean sitting in seminars and looking for books in the library. For most students, it is the first time in their own flat or shared flat, or alone in a new city. Have you ever thought about bounds that might add value to your free time? How about a flat-rate Bound? Elements in the Bound-Creator can be assigned with switches. These are then played, for example, on different days of the week. Who has to clean the bathroom and the kitchen when? Who lives in your flat anyway? The boring flat cleaning plan was yesterday - with Actionbound you can make it more digital and much more fun. Or how about a pub quiz or city tours especially for students? Or weekend trips with the circle of friends or or or.

Try our campus tours bound

Actionbound fits perfectly into the university context. Want to see what a Bound could look like? Then take a look at our example Bound. Download the Actionbound app for free and scan the starting code at the bottom of the page.

Have fun trying out and developing your Bound idea. We always appreciate your feedback. Have you ever built or played a Bound specifically in this theme area? Feel free to reach out to us and to link us to our social networks.! :)

New Actionbound feature: The cloze is here!

We are happy to announce that we have a new answer mode for the quiz in the Bound Creator: the Cloze!

Again and again we receive messages from the community with wishes and suggestions for Actionbound . We are happy to announce that another new feature has made it into the Creator!

From now on you can ask cloze quiz questions. The feature can be found in the "Quiz" element under the different answer modes. You can create as many gaps as you want. Also here you can give partial points for not completely correctly solved questions via "Locker score".

How to create your cloze task:

In your Bound Creator you will find the cloze in the Quiz element at the very bottom when you select the answer mode.

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You can easily mark your gaps in your text element with curly brackets. Be careful not to put a space after the brackets, otherwise this will be part of the correct answer.

Tip: For long texts, you can specify the missing words in the task.

Have fun trying it out and we are looking forward to your feedback! Send us your cloze tasks via Instagram or Facebook! We are always happy about links.